EDITO - English version




The personal letter of the Marseillais /

Mein Kampf -   



                My subject is apparently the simplest: What will become of European democracies in a century or two?

Mein Kampf für eine Zivilisation Alternative : Yes! My battle! That of finding and proposing the institutional and cultural elements of the civilization of tomorrow. Open a track, a direction of research. My fight is precisely the opposite of the culture of hatred advocated in Adolph Hitler's book, the title of which I am parodying. 

It bears the title out of irony ... and to remind everyone that the same sentence, the same content can open the way in totally opposite directions. My fight is that of sharing and universal awareness of the need for democratic renewal. Those in power who today claim to embody openness and liberalism are in fact defending the institutional elements that engender selfish wars of empire. They lie skillfully.


Is democracy an irremediable process in the development of societies or is it a temporary mechanism generated by a fad? Is this political model sincere or hypocritical in the promise and values ​​it addresses to its citizens? Can the field of spirituality intersect with that of politics in an original version of democratic processes?

This is the overall subject of my questioning -

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My first fight: I want in first perspective to leave a model, an intellectual path allowing young people to access knowledge by a work of personal initiative: "Citizen reflection" of which this site exposes you the personal elements. My subject therefore overlaps not only that of spirituality, but above all, moreover, that of politics which is everywhere. Because man is a social being who shares a common destiny: the future of the city. This is what politics really is. So we all have our say. But the word is often confiscated in the failings of a system which wants to be representative but which is in reality confiscatory. Internet allows everyone to find a small space of freedom, lost in the millions of equivalent pages. The controversial subject and my impertinent positions bring me the invisible wrath of search engines! Hushed censorship - I see it regularly because I test the system daily ... my visibility is less and less clear despite an increasingly assiduous attendance by readers of the NET. Strange - You have to make up for this elusive scandal by word of mouth.

An ordinary citizen speaks here, freely, to address the people of France and the world in the hope of raising awareness of certain aspects, faults or hopes raised by our Fifth Republic. But you will have understood that it is above all a question of raising the subject of the more general future of our representative democracies. In this matter, we want more, .... always more.

I therefore wish in all modesty to talk to you about tomorrow through what I believe to be the perspective of it. This will, I hope, be a shared interest. All this work can then be qualified as speculation or subjective appreciation. My conclusion gives birth to a dream, a hope: A democracy binding all peoples within the framework of a universal political and spiritual plan ....

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. Dear reader friends, hello: Thank you for taking a few minutes on this site - However, you will need much more than patience to decipher the philosophical message conveyed by all of my remarks. We are going to talk here about the modalities of tomorrow's democracy: I consider it at least "participatory" and my goal will be to convince you of its merits. Here on these internet pages is a complete philosophical dogma passing through a civilization project, an educational project passing through personal work that I call "Citizen Reflection", a "theory of the universe", a theory of time, "and a global institutional project of participatory democracy '' The universal citizen collective''. Each section studied, illustration of my own "citizen reflection", has a specific page where it will be progressively detailed (opposite in the menu: top left of the page).

Detailed does not mean, on the other hand, delivered turnkey in the smallest application details: Nothing will be completed and citizens will have to seize the concepts to refine the implementation details: I deliver leads, directions .... but no more . Herewith, for example, in order to whet your appetite, a sectional view of the "universe" as I imagine it in the course of my theory (Theory of the universe). A personal creation whose illustration may make you want to read this page - (see menu bar on the right) - The different subjects of this philosophical thesis will require you to consult several pages .....

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. I would also like, by way of introduction to these "internet" pages, to apologize to you for the clumsiness in language and writing errors, the text of which I unfortunately know is heavily loaded. I am a very poor literary, but you should not judge the substance by its form. Written language is only an imperfect vehicle, designed to exchange ideas and it is only for this reason that I want to be judged. In the distance I see the most severe critics looming: The worst of them will claim that this critical work only represents an interminable logorrhea, uttered by a fiery, jealous and bitter character. WRONG! Finally, ... Reducer! ... This is the easy argument of the worst of my detractors. All writers and philosophers would then be! ?

Writing, creative or artistic approaches inevitably reveal a common deficiency inherent in the human psyche. We are all there, a wise man would say! Admittedly, I am largely poured out on 86 pages corresponding to twenty books ... but it was necessary that to cover a complex and transversal subject. This is not a fruitless rant without perspective. It results in solutions, certainly partial, innovative that I want to share. They are certainly spread over many pages following a critical study of the system: CCU / Prophecies / Theory of "space-time" and "political principles". It may seem like a long time but there is also a minimum ....

A psychoanalysis takes years and the equivalent of thousands of pages. V- Hugo wrote the equivalent of several encyclopedias! ... It's been 18 months and 3,000 hours of more or less objective debates and reports that the major television media unanimously condition us on COVID in 2020/2021 for the sole purpose, according to vox populi in Marseille, to sell stocks of drugs and vaccines to enrich "Big pharma" with the interested blessing of the public authorities! The time factor and its volume of information processing can be found everywhere: The hunt for communists in Europe, after the Second World War, lasted more than forty years ... to achieve the desired result of the collapse of the bloc Soviet! .... The religious debate has lasted since the birth of the prophets without ever finding a solution! Is it sincere where the disguised expression field of a genetic struggle? The search for truth is long and always takes root in the evils of each one. Nobody can deny it. Those who go into this field will then have to seek their own neurosis and the reality of what motivates them. In short ! It will especially seek better to try to destroy me or silence me (LOL). 

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My point of view is certainly no more valuable than any other and I do not claim to hold any absolute truth. You will need to be critical. It is not a question either of converting you to a new religion or of making of you marginal or dissidents but only of inviting you to remain vigilant and to maintain a critical spirit in all circumstances. As much with regard to the dogmas conveyed by our societies as with regard to private constructions. The most efficient systems can over time become corrupted and ineffective. Usury for everything, especially when this principle becomes a method of corrupting institutions. Democracy, freedom of expression, the dignity of the human being are fragile values; a constant struggle on the sustainability of which it is impossible to count. The image of progress that our institutions seem to convey makes us give up and encourages passivity: Elected representatives of representation professionals defend us .... And is this really the case? Far from it - It is for having believed in untouchable achievements that our social model has strayed into the most incredible shortcomings under the pressure of dislocating forces to the point of plunging it today into a vital risk. Not that the change is regrettable and I do not claim that our course is the ideal one since I condemn a not insignificant part of the Western model, even in its so-called glorious period, but would it be a question of ensuring that it now go in a progressive direction. This is not the case ! Regressive forces are resurfacing -


The indicators show a return to outdated solutions, the disastrous consequences of which we know and the efforts required to get out of them. A repetition of history passing through a feudal phase with the appearance of technological progress. No one can wish for this. Today it will be difficult to resist a new lasting and deep collapse of the matrix if the citizens, of their own company, do not put in place the institutional edifice which will fill the gaps of the psychic machine of which we have taken the initiative to detach the natural course by human intelligence, language and civilization. Are you aware that our Western society is also going through a major psychic crisis marked by the sclerosis of ideals like the tragic episode ofthe inquisition in the 13th century? Exaggerated comparison? I don't think so - This type of crisis arises when a cultural era has to give way to a new one, and the old model fiercely resists in order to survive because of the privileges of power it affords to supporters of the system.

The phenomenon crosses time and borders. There are many common points and the fact of resolving the paradoxes on the subject at one point on the planet does not prevent the old social model from resurfacing insidiously when distant peoples also cross the same difficulty to cross a civilizational turning point ( Islam & radicalization). Contamination between connected zones poses the threat of a global regression when the most advanced societies are weakened by the same difficulties in finding the cultural elements of the higher level. These transitional periods are essential for all cultures and we do not have the solutions that allow everyone to rise to the top.

Observe to what extent the same prohibitions or taboos equivalent to a distant time resurface in the field on which the tension is fixed within our mercantile societies: The discomfort of this sclerosis crosses all societies and also concerns us in Europe with the unconquerable dogma of "King's money". The "money" that drives people crazy, ... justifies everything, becoming the basis of everything. The limitless financial inflation and its planetary scandal of tax havens, dictated by considerations of low speculation and the enrichment of a few privileged untouchables of the Republic attest to this. This contradictory climax embodies the breach that will soon cause the collapse of the system. We don't even see it anymore as the thing is trivialized, entry into mores by way of pernicious games, complicit media and a depraved education which has long obscured primary values. The West, believed to be the seat of democracy and new ideas, actually happens to be the geographic core of this inconsistency! About the model ofCreation / Distribution of wealth . Talking about an alternative economic model called "capitalism"  becomes prohibited, ... a real taboo ! Unbelievable - Are you aware of it?

Result ? Let's take a concrete historical example that is wrongly taken as a detail - McCarthyism (  McCarthyism or McCarthyism is a period in American history, also known as the "Red Fear" and frequently referred to as a witch hunt. McCarthyism finds its roots in American history. origins in the strong anti-communist sentiment that had developed in the United States in the context of the Cold War). The communist fact, to speak of community becomes the seal of the devil which one strongly condemns, including in the democratic courts which pass sentences dictated by political madness! Strange! ? Observe the opprobe that has been thrown since the Second World War and the advent of the American superpower on those who dare to evoke political alternatives to the symbiotic model " representation / Ultra capitalist liberalism "! Intellectual research, itself, becomes forbidden throughout the Western Empire and there is no form of discussion or research on alternatives, ... which nevertheless exist!

On the contrary, we should long ago create geographic areas where new economic and political models are being tested! And yet Nothing! Everything is being done to extend the system. A political and institutional lock has been rife since the Second World War on these questions. We are indeed in a period of crisis on the model of the religious inquisition. 

I have this merit of presenting viable solutions and of shouting that there is no inevitability. Is it too late? The infernal spiral of events, well underway, only makes sense if we keep the material and political data implemented by the various governments at the head of the great nations. We must change it, but be careful not to fall into other types of equivalent fanaticism (economic, political or religious). I don't believe in any ideal but only in critical thinking - How do you sum up the content of this site? Let's proceed in order -

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Far from me intending to lecture you or make you feel guilty - Do not be fooled by appearances - The apparently provocative method, sometimes contemptuous of us is deceptive - I am with you and willingly count myself among the number mass victims - It is only ultimately a callto the creation of a new organization of the forces of progress of our society - To the creation of a new citizen force in the face of "economic-political" institutions today on a planetary scale. These forces will not lead us in the right direction without an effective citizen counter-power, a return to outdated solutions cannot satisfy the progressive instinct inscribed in our genome. We are, however, at the dawn of a general relapse of civilization. For the umpteenth time, this global collapse will be engendered by intellectual contradictions relating to our system of thought - it is towards it that we must focus our gaze -

My blog corresponds to the public presentation of my own " Citizen Reflection " (see menu at the top right) ...

and I started it almost naively a long time ago with an original work focusing on the center of my concerns ..... 


                            My second fight : The " manual of power and the citizen"is not an invention hastily improvised on the corner of a table to satisfy a sudden need for celebrity. I am not a man of the stage nor an ambitious one. It corresponds to a personal archetype but also above all a collective one which I cannot bring you through thematic texts that disparate and partial elements of reflection in order to share with you a philosophy oriented in the political field. I have no certainty and far from me the will to assert anything: I raises subjects, questions, leads. I took the pen for the first time to write the first isolated elements about twenty five years (I was then 15!) back under the impulse ofquestions concerning various family events following decolonization, certainly dating from the previous generation and a deep questioning onthe meaning and sincerity of the values ​​of our civilization . This is a subject as interesting as it is disturbing in which everyone can find themselves. Certain passages of the text are intentionally left according to their original writing: They reflect this awkwardness of young age. My work represents a conglomerate of text that I link as my study progresses-

What definition to give to this writing?

The "manual of power and the citizen" makes a theoretical exposition of the techniques of mass subordination applied by the central powers in spite of democratic systems to neutralize citizen resistance. To protect yourself from them, you have to know them and study them at school - This is not the case and this subject must be the subject of a specific discipline: The citizen democracy of tomorrow is at this price.

How to access its content here? In the menu of the home page to the left of it - The text is divided into four (MDP 1/1 and 2/2, etc ...) ...; Do not hesitate to consult it -

Is it possible you will tell me? Is it possible that the historical effects or consequences can continue for so long after their material crystallization? History does not have an end or a break or a past. Forgetting like the transition to a higher stage of civilization can only exist when a logic, a relevant response respecting both the mechanisms as well as the direction of the evolution of our material universe is found in the collective unconscious: C it is in these terms that we can speak of divine will whose trajectory we must observe - The Second World War is a good example of this necessity with regard to the cultural consequences, the European construction and the trials to condemn those guilty of 'atrocity. The dilemma caused by the torment of Christ on the cross, like that of the precepts transmitted by the visionaries of this world, are they really resolved or assimilated in the minds or the mentalities of the majority of the believing populations thousands of years after their writing? ? The wars of religion as well as the numerous persecutions committed on devout peoples show that not! Faith of historian, forgetting does not exist! All questions will have to be studied and put back on the table. years after they were written? The wars of religion as well as the numerous persecutions committed on devout peoples show that not! Faith of historian, forgetting does not exist! All questions will have to be studied and put back on the table. years after they were written? The wars of religion as well as the numerous persecutions committed on devout peoples show that not! Faith of historian, forgetting does not exist! All questions will have to be studied and put back on the table.

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                                                                                            Imprescriptibility, recognized today in matters of legal action against humanity, must be a general principle of law and extend to all areas.failing to see substitutive individual, family (or large-scale) behaviors taint the historical fabric and gradually corrupt the collective unconscious. Aberrant, inapplicable? This principle must obviously be framed but one fact must be understood: As long as a scar remains on the body (physical or psychic) ​​of our biological entity, there can be no harmonious development. Unfortunately, there is no collective system for treating the human psyche: How is this possible in a world where we track down the smallest detail in all areas of life? This deficiency is voluntary, .... maintained, .... Rest assured -

It is the interrogation and the imperative that my work works throughout its writing. And why not start developing such a project? For my part, I passively experienced these family adventures in my childhood and I naturally sought to find an answer to them in "adulthood" by incorporating these data into a set corresponding to my heterogeneous professional and student career. The central question of this bibliographical essay is precisely that of the manipulation of the masses and it is very topical to support it, cited as an example on these pages, that one can observe a minority of able people influencing entire nations. despite a set of so-called democratic processes. The power would be in the hands of the sovereign people!

Is he really? We are all revolted by the installation of a dictatorship, inequalities or the story of a corruption case. We cowardly pretend we can't do anything about it! This is doubly false - This gives food for thought and it is by wanting to list all the techniques available to political actors to corrupt democratic institutional systems that the "manual of power" is born in my fertile mind. It is also within this eclectic journey that lies the secret of "enim-cerno" alchemy: I have always wanted to find the path that links the disciplines of knowledge to each other. Many of us feel the source,ordinary citizens and capable of making the buds emerge through collective work .

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. There arose out of nothing the two termsqualifying the title of this creation of which I propose the tenants. (Universal citizen collective). There is no such thing as a perfect institutional or constitutional framework. Political institutions must always be adapted: This is so. Stability can only be considered with regard to spiritual institutions; It is at this level of sustainability that must intervene the framework of the Universal Citizen Collective dealing with the psychic sphere. Salvation cannot come from the political or material sphere. The historical adventures of the French Republic show this impossible democratic quest balanced between overpowered executive and ministerial instability, between elitism, representation or corporatism and corruption. The

The fiction of the representative mandate has failed in its mission to be a link between the nation and the people since the "chosen one", almighty after his election, became a symbol and a sacred object in order to legitimately protect him during his exercise, by a deviance of the texts in the society of almighty right, cannot be subject to control or sanction from its base except by eviction by suffrage at the end of the mandate: But it is too late, the damage is done, corruption floods the sordid pages of the "people" press! Citizens can no longer take back what has been stolen ... Yes! Stolen: Truncated institutions, tax havens are the places where confiscated, looted or stolen money is located. - The Republic is then gradually dying in "business" which threaten to overturn Europe in political extremes. This is not the solution, but there is currently no alternative than to go from the total laxity of powerless democracies to omnipotent authority: The dictatorship which is synonymous with so many setbacks. This false alternative is itself an intellectual ambush in which dissenting proposals are silenced. This conceptual gap is probably voluntary because it makes it possible to juggle the political forces ensuring the continuity of the existing model. What balance should be given between the extremes proposed by the theory? This is the object of my research. alternative than to go from the total laxity of impotent democracies to the omnipotent authority: The dictatorship which is synonymous with so many setbacks. This false alternative is itself an intellectual ambush in which dissenting proposals are silenced. This conceptual gap is probably voluntary because it makes it possible to juggle the political forces ensuring the continuity of the existing model. What balance should be given between the extremes proposed by the theory? 

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This is the object of my research. alternative than to go from the total laxity of impotent democracies to the omnipotent authority: The dictatorship which is synonymous with so many setbacks. This false alternative is itself an intellectual ambush in which dissenting proposals are silenced. This conceptual gap is probably voluntary because it makes it possible to juggle the political forces ensuring the continuity of the existing model. What balance should be given between the extremes proposed by the theory? This is the object of my research. This conceptual gap is probably voluntary because it makes it possible to juggle the political forces ensuring the continuity of the existing model. What balance should be given between the extremes proposed by the theory? This is the object of my research. This conceptual gap is probably voluntary because it makes it possible to juggle the political forces ensuring the continuity of the existing model. What balance should be given between the extremes proposed by the theory? This is the object of my research.

. . I tell you openly in summary: The only effective counter-power actually holds in the sole hand of the people , by the direct involvement of citizens through associations, by the drawing of lots for the teams leading the activity of the control institution, ... finally by the possibility of a "vote of no confidence" of elected officials. But also and especially in the capacity of citizens to be able to control the acts of the authority after the elections (or after promulgation of the laws) ... and to guide the leadersby informing the masses on a permanent basis, concerning the news of elected officials as well as the content of a will coming from the depths of civil society. A citizen institutional process, managed directly by citizens, must be responsible for this. The mass of citizens must therefore also be able to influence the "orientation-evolution" of the collective psychic matrix. This link between the people, the psychic matrix and the general will should ideally be exercised within the framework of a participatory democracy of a new kind .

This is my last fight and one of the main topics covered on my dissident blog: The Universal Citizen Collective.

This spiritual approach is accompanied by a personal method of approach, of requalification of knowledge to make the definitive link, through an adapted and innovative language, between the different methods of grasping reality explored by mankind during his history: Euchariscton. To lead this original and innovative demonstration, I will take you first to various subjects which testify to a dysfunction of our institutions. Scandalous political or economic news (top 50 / Scandal / Ripoublique, etc ...) which shows the weaknesses of our representative system. The institutions which are supposed to defend our interests seem absolutely all plagued by "business": All social mechanisms end up in corruption or in mistakes, either by paroxysmal drift, or by excess - This principle of corruption has been known since antiquity - Why are we astonished and have we strayed so far from the teachings provided by ancient civilizations? 

Is this forgetting voluntary? Only a mechanism through arbitration and permanent control of the people can guarantee the policy against the unavoidable abuses experienced by all democratic systems: Our democracy resulting from the Fifth Republic is still not capable of ensuring this safeguard. The pillar of this new understanding passes in a second time therefore by this preamble of the observation of failure: A antiquity - Why are we surprised and strayed so far from the teachings of ancient civilizations? Is this forgetting voluntary? Only a mechanism through arbitration and permanent control of the people can guarantee the policy against the unavoidable abuses experienced by all democratic systems: Our democracy resulting from the Fifth Republic is still not capable of ensuring this safeguard. The pillar of this new understanding passes in a second time therefore by this preamble of the observation of failure: A antiquity -

Why are we surprised and strayed so far from the teachings of ancient civilizations? Is this forgetting voluntary? Only a mechanism through arbitration and permanent control of the people can guarantee the policy against the unavoidable abuses experienced by all democratic systems: Our democracy resulting from the Fifth Republic is still not capable of ensuring this safeguard. The pillar of this new understanding passes in a second time therefore by this preamble of the observation of failure: A arbitration and the permanent control of the people can guarantee the policy against the inescapable drifts which know all the democratic systems: Our democracy resulting from the Fifth Republic is still not able to ensure this safeguard. The pillar of this new understanding passes in a second time therefore by this preamble of the observation of failure: A arbitration and the permanent control of the people can guarantee the policy against the inescapable drifts which know all the democratic systems: Our democracy resulting from the Fifth Republic is still not able to ensure this safeguard. The pillar of this new understanding passes in a second time therefore by this preamble of the observation of failure: Abibliographic essay showing a multitude of techniques capable of bypassing, of hijacking institutions managed by corrupt intermediaries or representatives in the pay of unscrupulous sponsors: This is how " The manual of power " was born.

Then, I present to you various personal theories ( SSPF - Universal Citizen Collective - Prophécits ) allowing to see differently the reality which surrounds us as well as to interpret it on new registers and finally to see a saving horizon, embodied by the CCU . We are all, collectively, through our conscience, our reflection and our initiatives the solution to the crisis of contemporary civilization. Here is a personal presentation that can serve as a model - These references give you something to read! ....
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................ In summary, the philosophical system presented here, based on the concept, under construction before your eyes (some elements of which will be completed by the CCU) attempts to expose you and rests on the following pillars, each element of which is an indivisible instrument in the service of the main cause described in the "7 prophecies"  :

"Euchariscton"  (see specific section on the subject) can be declined in a multitude of disciplines and therefore aims to be integrated into all concepts and in all fields as attested by my modest and speculative contribution on the pages of this site: You will discover the different aspects disseminated through the pages "Citizen reflection", the "Universal citizen collective", Theory of the universe ", etc ...

.It would therefore be possible to give you all the aspects imaginable for our human intelligence ... I propose here the main ones:

-1 - Artistic Version of the Euchariscton: It suffices for this that this work (... written, painting, sound, cinematographic or of any nature whatsoever  ) aesthetically integrates the different manifestations and intellectual approaches of the subject, with its material projections through time since the appearance of intelligence. It therefore traces the evolution of the concept or the material object, in the mind of man from its known origins through various complementary disciplines and as it is integrated into successive civilizations, taking into account the contiguous parameters which participate in its "Becoming-Evolution".

- 2 - Cognitive concept, Euchariscton also consists of a reformulation of knowledge, born from the synthesis of disciplines, ... whose work and research must lead to its linguistic version(new alphabet & innovative language) - This semantic reformulation of concepts takes place on the basis of an original approach to reality: Objects and concepts are qualified by codified symbols which integrate into the word its physical components and characters, its place and function in a functional whole, its successive historical symbolic representations. This approach is not new since all the old languages ​​try to attach themselves to it (Latin, Hebrew, etc ....). But here we are at a time when science and its many approaches allow us to include elements previously ignored! Now is the time to implement an innovative reconstruction of linguistic concepts so that language becomes a real tool of perception, of feeling reality . The ideas and objects, through the phonemes, must then be conjugated in an obvious way according to the content of the object. Reality becomes evident. It is only on this condition that humanity will be able to take a new decisive stage of civilization. The objectivity and the harmony necessary for this construction can only be implemented on the condition of seeing the light of day within an institution that is irreproachable as regards its objectivity and its process of realization: You will have understood it, this is the essential goal that I assign to the CCU.

- 3 - Institutional concept, it is transformed into a " universal citizen collective " which should give birth to a universal societal relational model allowing to give new impetus to the psychic matrix. As we will see on another page, The Citizen Collective promises to become the citizen institution, pillar of the political framework within an innovative social dialogue system channeling psychic flows at the planetary level. The citizens try with him to equip themselves with an institutional system of dialogue and research involving all the components of society to remedy and anticipate cycles of violence.

- 4 - Didactic concept and first school approach of the concept, we find the " citizen reflection ", initiated within the " Universal Citizen Collective ", having to allow the individual to become aware of the interweaving of the disciplines of the teaching. But again, helped by a multidisciplinary teaching team, it allows him to reveal his deep aspirations, his complexes and his place in his societal microcosm. Citizens must first and foremost become aware of the interweaving of knowledge, of the importance of designing at the source a social system taking into account all the societal dimensions ... but also of the importance of the phenomenon of social struggles in human relations .

- 5 - Concept intervening in the logic and the mechanisms of the reflection, it becomes an innovative type of  reasoning, said "intuitive enlightened" , which consists on an object to grasp an " intuition" ...  previously enlightened, matured by a study scientific cross allowing to understand the prarametering of the subject .... This reading must then itself be weighted in the light of human and social disciplines which must serve as a backdrop in order to integrate the object into a global balance. It is ultimately a two-step mode of reflection (knowledge / intuition), based on a reflective framework but mainly based on a series of spontaneous converging ideas whose author must learn to find the common thread. .

- 6 - It can still become a `` competition prize '' managed and awarded by the UN, rewarding the most deserving Universal Citizen Collective, but also citizens for their personal work (citizen reflection submitted to the CCU), but also associations registered with the CCU collaborating in the work of convergence. The works that best participate in advancing the collective cause will thus be rewarded and this action will have the effect of creating a collective planetary emulation.

- 7 - Religious concept, we can probably imagine that this quest relating to the progression of intelligent systems is akin to the  continuity of the  Christic work  in the sense that its realization brings humanity closer to the absolute. Absolute in the sense that knowledge teaches us to understand and know our place in the real world. Absolute whose destiny of humanity must be revealed through this intermediary; thus contributing to correcting the multi-millennial mistakes following leaving the Garden of Eden. Unfortunate episode, inevitable, of which Christ initiated the redemption by his priestly message and which it is necessary to complete thanks to the common conceptual work carried out within the 'CCU.'

- 8 - Listing of human relational archetypes accompanied by rules of evolution and resolution of psychic paradoxes afflicting humanity. This system, extending the theoretical construction effort included in the various historical texts, should potentially make it possible to intervene to understand, defuse and then prevent or anticipate relational conflicts. These principles must theoretically, in my sickly inspiration, be 24 in number and serve as a basis, by projection because they are linked to it, for the development of the alphabet of "Huma". Of course, it will then be for the wise men of the CCU to define the construction rules to serve as language. If Gd created and then incarnated the verb of which we are the signifier, it was defiled by the the wear and tear of time and it is time to give it back its true meaning. I will quote you a selected extract from the prologue to the Gospel according to John ....

 ........................................... extract - << ... This light was the true light, which, coming into the world, enlightens every man. ..... But as for all those who received him, He gave them the power to become  children of God , to those who believe in his name, ...... And the  word  (the verb) has was made flesh, and she dwelt among us, full of grace and truth; and we beheld his glory, a glory like the glory of the Only Begotten from the Father ...... for the  law  was given by Moses, grace and  truth  came through Jesus Christ ...... ... >>


- 9 - Establishment of an inspiration and a theoretical background common to all monotheistic religions resulting in the drafting of a  universal monotheistic calendar  retracing all the symbolic event and conceptual pillars linked to our beliefs.

-10 - Also integrating into the field of genetics and living organisms, the Euchariscton takes the form of an evolutionary quest for the genome at the initiative of human intelligence by creating a harmony between the different forms alive. This strange aspect may be shocking but is understandable from reading the 7 prophecies.

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We would all be children of Gd. Why, according to some claim, deny this status to the most illustrious among us? ... The word was made flesh but the modes of expression, the content of the verb were divided by the vagaries of history. The holy spirit has no color or race. He precedes all creation and abides everywhere in all things. Within the reach of all souls who wish to learn it, all they have to do is grab it by connecting to their "diaposon". It can be expressed in the body of one, many or all.

All the great ethnic families received a word breathed in by the Almighty and the codes to guide our steps in each of the acts of life in society. Why not think together about the writing of a text common to all humanity serving as a basis for knowledge and taking up all rational knowledge, the symbolized history of civilizations ... as the set of rules expressing the relational phenomena.

...................................... ..... This remains to be done, n ' It is only at the beginning ... and remains for each one an objective in our modern society deprived of meaning and spiritual objective - The way is open - I am only offering one illustration among so many others on a global scheme that can serve every citizen - The first objective remains the "CCU" (see section of the universal citizen collective).



        ........................ I am not a practitioner of any religion, although a believer, but nevertheless allow me to continue this writing with a theological allegory . We are in the spring of a new era of civilization whose fragile shoots ask to hatch and flourish in the sun or to wither miserably like so many others before it. If we do not act in due time, the rigors of winter will put this will for life to sleep for a long time until a civilization is finally able to feel the warmth extended by the hand of God. This destiny is of a cultural and institutional nature: To ensure the relay of the centralized institutions, resulting from the age of the constraining physical force by a citizen device ofthe observation-regulation "of the psychic matrix.

Faced with political power, there must be a citizen force capable of counterbalancing outside the imperatives dictated by the management of the state. I would like us to be worthy of being this people. The "chosen people" described in the Old Testament did not choose their genome: It is about the human race as a whole. The "Manual of power" is a sort of response to this family echo, the result of which gives rise to an innovative social mechanism. Society as a projection of data from the primordial cell represented by kinship? And why not ! It is an important contribution of the psychological sciences to prove the parallelism of archetypal or symbolic phenomena. I therefore invite you to discoverThe UNIVERSAL CITIZEN COLLECTIVE. 

This is the only real innovative object of this website and the only subject to which I really want to take you. The other pages are really just various more or less awkward, perhaps sometimes convincing, demonstrations serving this unique cause of "CCU". My goal is to convince you of the central, primordial utility of this universal futuristic institution. I give it here the place which it deserves by right although the pages which relate to it appear in a more detailed way in the menu on the right. This page is a summary apart from the introduction below -


Four pages are dedicated to it: .... "Principles", .... "concretely", .... "not like the others", .... "functional processes"  ....

. These four pages are the most important of the site because they contain the main element. The pillar to serve humanity to achieve ultimate designs.

                Résultat d’images pour ville et utopie image paysage


.................................................. ... My message goes further - I want to share with you a global and innovative vision of the material universe resulting from a reflection covering two decades - Can a simple citizen manage to share with you his "prophetic" dream by directly appealing to your subconscious through writings from his? This is the bet that I try modestly but with conviction on my page entitled .... 

                      " The Seven Prophecies of Eucharilxtonw ".


........................ These texts are made available free of charge on the Net - This service at a moral price that I impose on you immediately with an obligation to result - You have to do it!


                  Help me share them-

                                       Mail contact of the association: enimcerno@gmail.com

                 This is your eternal civic duty -

                                                                                                              Pass the URL of this site to your friends -.                                                                                           

                                    -  http://www.enim-cerno.com/pages/prophecit.html

Résultat d’images pour ville et utopie image paysage

The innovative principle of this relational model deserves to be shared .... especially since there is still no real alternative proposal - Will we still go on the path leading to the fights of empires or towards the wars of religion? Everything leads to believe it because in the presence of the same conditions, history will repeat itself. There is no other way to make them known because I have no advertising vector ... apart from your noble will. The pages of this site are composed, written and modified before your eyes, day after day, spontaneously as and when they are written according to a thoughtful inspiration. I make sure to detail, improve and complete them gradually. This is the reason why some pages may appear incomplete in the transitional phase. VS' This is why you will only be able at first to see the overall structure, the titles and the framework before they are treated in detail later on my site. I am neither a professional nor a member of any political party or other partisan body.

Thank you for your understanding .

......................... Life is a matter of choice, make your own! This choice allows us to live simply by enjoying only materiality. There is no obligation to inscribe your life in a spiritual dimension, yet this is the only true dimension that can flourish your substance like that of humanity - I implement on my modest pages a tiny part of this magic initiating the implementation of this collective work, ... you will be the artisans of this construction through associative channels because our world, like so many other potentials, is finally ready to climb this evolutionary march. This century will be a citizen or not - I make this courageous choice and continue this quest ...  now yours begins! 


........................ . Imagination, Will, Courage and Tenacity  will be the pillars of our citizen action to implement the preambles of a spiritual participatory democracy - Here is the recipe. Good food -


........................ To finish this editorial and make you want to read me (... or to leave these pages immediately if my philosophical line does not not match yours because I know the selfishness that divides our humanity), allow me to expose two passages here.

The first is a short excerpt from the introduction to the " manual of power " which I think is indicative of the state of mind of the book .......


<< ... Citizen friends, I will not go by four ways. It is not in my state of mind to praise and I am not one of those who congratulate because it is fashionable in order to obtain a thousand favors from the powerful, so please allow me to '' from the outset to present to you the moral principles guiding each of my steps and through which I will conduct the entire speech submitted for your judgment:

New disturbing perils threaten our humanity as we have for the first time in our history the elements to achieve ultimate designs! The tocsin rumbles but no one hears it - Some speak in the name of force, they are feared. Some speak in the name of faith, they make the crowds doubt or inflame. Others speak in the name of science, they are admired. Do they deserve these tributes? ... None is close to touching the truth to which you aspire and which justifies to ascribe to them any glorification -

Blinded by beliefs which have become sectarian, although never innocent, these preachers do not see; and more often fight for the privileges procured by their discipline than for the discoveries that it promised, ... unfortunately forgetting what was the very spirit and the "universal" quintessence of their vocation -

I do not belong to any of those categories of scientist or virtuous who promise a thousand things for our future but who very often only build theirs. Today it is a citizen, like you, who decides to take the pen to entrust his modest judgment and his doubts in order to bring together an unprecedented motivation. I do not claim either to hold this absolute and inaccessible truth behind which we all run, nor to have the hundredth of wisdom that seems to convey my most promising words. This is basically nothing more than a "meditation" out loud. I only wanted to share it with as many people as possible.

I have nothing to defend, if it is not an ideal, or rather a dream: That of a humanity freed from its ideological shackles as well as partisan, ethnic or group divisions ... but there is little to be feared. of you do not hear me because I do not have the label of good quality. I am not "good thinkers" who are put forward when they hold a soporiphic mass addressed to the people. Yet I know that my legacy is most deserving. Hope is in our hands, as is resignation more often.

As long as a glimmer of this first dawns behind the darkness of fatality, I will fight to inform the new generations.

... May only one of you take the trouble to follow me, to hear my appeal to the alternative that constitutes collective reflection or participatory democracy via the institution of the "citizen collective", and our growing echo. will invade the four corners of the firmament ... ". I dream for the hour of this new day. .... >>

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- The second passage is taken from " maxims and thoughts in bulk ": It gives an indication of the imperative that I fix and that we now have to share the wealth resulting from our intensive modes of production barely to see growling again a thousand times revolt and wars of empire ...

<< ....  That a single individual of the community owns more than four times what another has, whether it is wealth, land, living space, knowledge or political powers is the sign of a fundamental problem and crippling political pact uniting this group of people ....  . >>




Date de dernière mise à jour : 12/06/2021

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